STEM story time

Stem Story time

Australia’s Women in STEM Ambassador presents STEM story time, an exciting interactive space adventure for early learners.  

Children aged 3-6 and their parents and carers join an astronaut on a journey to the International Space Station, learning about space and problem solving along the way!

The STEM story time video leads into a hands-on activity to design and construct a space helmet at home! Download the instructions below.

Watch the STEM story time video

Parents & carers

Now that you’ve watched the video, download the information for families and activity instructions below!

Let us know what you think of the STEM story time video by completing this short survey.

Please enter your email address below to download the resources. Your email address will only be used by the Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador to contact you about STEM story time.

Early childhood educators

Are you interested in delivering a STEM story time workshop? Contact us to find out how!

STEM story time is part of the Women in STEM Ambassador’s #WiSTEMxQ partnership with Questacon, the National Science and Technology Centre.

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